It has been in the news that Jeremy Renner was crushed by a 14330lb snowplough whilst he was trying to save a family stranded in the snow! Worse than being unrewarded for his heroic actions, Renner was severely injured and is facing a long, drawn-out recovery and all for people he didn’t even know!
Unrewarded for a kind act?
Have you ever gone unrewarded for a kind act? Or worse, have you been punished or penalised for doing a good deed? Did the person you help, turn on you or betray you? Did you end up wishing you’d never helped after all? Or conversely, were you richly rewarded for something you did? Did you do what ‘anybody else would have done’ only to find it meant something more to someone else? Or have you been involved in a nasty accident in which you nearly lost your life? Are you still recovering? Did you make an incredible recovery, the Doctors never saw coming? Or will you never be the same again? Or maybe you were in a nasty accident, but walked away unscathed? Have YOU been at the centre of a miracle? Did you help someone and wish you never had!
If you helped someone – sell your story for money!
If you helped someone, to later wish you never had, your experience could be worth BIG MONEY and it might be time to SELL YOUR STORY! Maybe the EXTRA CASH could go towards making your life easier after the suffering you’ve gone through. Seeing YOUR STORY in BELLA, PICK ME UP, LOVE IT or even THE SUN OR MIRROR might help or inspire others who have gone through the same. APPEARING IN CHAT, TAKE A BREAK OR THAT’S LIFE could be just what you need to lift your spirits after what you’ve been through and the CASH will certainly come in handy during these tough times.
You might not have been rewarded for helping someone at the time, but now you can receive a CASH REWARD for selling your story to magazines and newspapers.
Fill out the valuation form and find out what you can EARN for YOUR STORY! You could be very pleasantly surprised at how much YOUR STORY is worth. You are assured to get the best possible deal and will be in the most capable hands during the process. Turn your experience on its head … don’t delay and capitalise on your misfortune today!
If you would like to sell your story to the UK press, please contact us today for a free valuation.