Learn more about how to sell your story, the Front Page Story and Sara Lain
After spending many years working on national newspapers I decided it was time for a change. But because I loved working with people and working with real life stories so much I wanted to be more involved and have more hands on approach. I wanted to work directly with YOUR real life stories. So I decided to set up a STORY AGENCY, dealing exclusively with your true life stories – your stories.
However, during the years of being a young rookie and starting at the bottom as I climbed the ladder and went through the ranks, I met lots of interesting people and great contacts in all of the Women’s Magazines. I am now happy to say that not only do I have a position of trust with them, I work with them all on a daily basis and I also see them as friends – who I know I can count on to help me get you the best deal for you when you decide “I want to sell my story to the press.”
So, in 1991 the Front Page Story Agency was born. Dealing exclusively with true life stories, we were the first of its kind. Since then, many other people have followed in my steps and opened agencies BUT not one of them can off the bespoke service we have always and still do provide for you. Since we opened we have sold and written thousands of your fantastic stories. We have written everything from, love rats, divorces from hell, romance, victims of crime, murder, funny and quirky to just down right incredible!
Meanwhile, throughout my 20 years of working with your true life experiences, I also experienced a few of my own! I have been through a horrible divorce after finding out my Ex was a love rat, going through all the hurt, anger and betrayal that came with it. Being on my own and bringing up my two kids as a single working mom. Going through tough financial times and living on a shoe string. I went through the pain and devastation when my little boy had meningitis and felt the anger and confusion when I found out a best friend had seriously betrayed me. And of course having FIVE sisters I’ve also had my fair share of BIG family fall outs!! It’s not unusual for me to read your story and think – Wow! I did that or that happened to me!’ So of course, I DO understand what you have gone through or are going through.
I also totally understand the need for closure, or to get revenge on someone who has hurt or betrayed you and to get your side of the story heard, and also to share your experiences in the hope it may help others in the same or similar situation. And without doubt I know the feeling of trying to find a way of getting that extra bit of much-needed cash. And we are here to help and guide you to do just that.
You have no need to worry because everything you tell us when you call or email us is in the strictest of confidence until YOU decide “I want to sell my story.” Thereafter, we do ALL the work for you – getting you the best deals along the way. And for your piece of mind we put everything in writing for you too.
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